- Tabs
- Boxes
- Enclosures
- Offsets
- Flattening
- Small Bends
- Large Bends
- Small or large quantities
- Custom Angles (45°, 60°, 90°...)
Bending and Forming Material
- Aluminum
- Brass
- Steel
- Stainless Steel
- We can bend material as large as .25" thick!
- All widths capable up to 8-feet long
- Tackle material with up to 70-tons of press force.
Single and Stage Bending
- We can do single bends or multiple staged bends. This allows for a one-time setup without the hassle of changing tools and dies between processes.
- This saves time and production costs.
Standard and Custom Bend Angles
- Custom Angles (45°, 60°, 90°...)
- "V"-shaped and "U"-shaped type bends
Standard and Custom Tooling
- 90° forming
- Gooseneck
- Box Forming
- Air Bending