
Our employees spend everyday working on continous improvment for production workflow:
- Accounting Team
- Sales Services
- IT Team
- Graphic Design
- Engineering Services
- Manufacturing Engineering
Gompf Brackets employees help push improvements by participating in:
- Weekly Safety Meetings
- New Employee Training
- Process Evaluations
- Machine Servicing & Evaluations
Weekly Safety Meetings
Each week we take a few minutes to discuss safety awareness and precautions. This is important to keep everyone updated on safety in the work place and possible issues they have run into. If there is something that concerns them, we take every measure to improve and manage so their is no issue in the future. We have learned that a safe and organized work place helps keep production at its highest.
"A place for everything, everything in its place." ~Benjamin Franklin
New Employee Training
As we gain new employees, we do our best to get them up-to-date with the knowledge of our products and services. In return, new employees also embrace us with their knowledge and help improve our standards and work flows. This can lead to improved production for everyone.
Process Evaluations
We keep all of our processes documented so that a employees can easily see how a process is conducted or revamped. As we find improvements in a production process, we update our records to ensure positive and reproducible results.
Machine Servicing & Evaluations
Our machines are important to us and the production. Daily inspections are taken to prevent tool breaks or machine malfunctions from happening. Keeping a clean and organized work area prevents accidents from happening. As we keep our machines to tip-top shape, we can ensure that our products are made with the highest quality and efficiency.